As our parish continues to face new challenges and decisions, it is imperative that we all be of one mind and act as one body. In a biblical community, there are no individuals and no subgroups. At St. Elizabeth, our tradition of sitting together in one circle during parish meetings is sacred. No one person or group is allowed to stand out from the body of Christ. No one sits outside the circle. Everyone in the circle is below the Gospel and strives to put themselves below every other member of the church. In this sense, we are not equals, but servants of one another, each according to his or her duty. We do not have to agree on everything, but we must be obedient to each other in the Gospel. In a Godly community, no one is ever left behind and the majority does not rule. This spirit carries over into all aspects of parish life and begins with the way that we form relationships. Table Fellowship Groups As a parishioner of St. Elizabeth, you will be assigned a table fellowship group. Visitors to our parish will also be invited to participate. Your group is responsible to gather for fellowship once a month at a team member’s home or any convenient location. If someone in the group has transportation issues or other needs, your Team Leader is there to help. Get to know your neighbor. Listen to their thoughts and reflect on their needs. Learn about their lives and their difficulties. Build connections with others. On occasion, Fr. Marc will assign a discussion topic. St. Elizabeth's Table Fellowship Ministry facilitates Consensus Based Decision Making.